My original blogs were either sketchy or non-existent so I am catching up.
With help I managed to set up a blog and have been blogging. I do find it difficult as communication is not my strong point. I can see why some libraries find it useful to have a blog, simply as a general communication method with distant and perhaps not so distant readers to keep them informed. However access depends on users reading the blog so important items would have to be posted elsewhere. I do wonder how many users read the blog and how many other people.
Thing 13 - As I never sound enthusistic about anything, I don't think I will have a library blog in the immediate future. I can see the usefulness of a blog in promoting events, happenings and developments in a library. We have very few so I don't think a blog would be interesting. In a large library, split-site or scattered community it is a useful way to communicate, and is one method by which some users expect to find out what is on/happening.
Thing 5
Doodle was something I could see would be a useful tool. A much simpler way of organizing a meeting than creating a birdcage. One of the advantages is that you can see when others can attend, which can be helpful. I did arrange a change of date for a meeting and received notification of another.
Thing 13 - I can see the potential of doodle not only in arranging professional meetings but also social meetings, clubs and socieites. I have noticed over the past few weeks there has been an increase in its use, so others are finding it useful.
Thing 6
I liked google calendar and thought it esay to access and navigate. Within a library setting it offers another way to communicate with users, letting them know of events like Vacation borrowing.
Thing 13 - I thought this had potential for my library as a way of advertising routine things like when books are due for return at the end of the Vacation, the dates when the opening hours change etc. I am thinking about it for my library. On a personal level I will keep to my paper diaries.
Thing 7
With 140 characters a tweet has to be precise and I suspect can cause problems in some circumstances. I can see why numerous libraries have a 'follow us on Twitter' button as another way of communicating with users, telling them what is happening and receiving a response. It is a popular tool and can reach a large number of people. I do wonder how time consuming it is and how frequently you need to tweet for users to remain interested.
Thing 13 - personally have problems with Twitter, I just don't like it. Whether it is the press coverage it has had or the fact you only have 140 characters I don't know. I did attend Emma's course at the UL and have not changed my mind. I know Twitter is popular and it is now expected that large, and even small, libraries are on. But it is dependent on followers. I do wonder how many of those who follow a library on Twitter are other librarians.
Thing 8
I think the majority of web users have tags, in one form or another. they are a way of keeping track of resources. As librarian's we use a controlled vocabulary, which is not always clear to our users. Users may use a different vocabulary for their personal work/social activities. Tagging is best done, so I understand, as you go along. I did do a tag, but am a bit misty about how I did it.
Thing 13 - This is something I must explore further when I have more time. I can see its usefulness but am not sure of the application.
Things 9 and 10
I really enjoyed exploring Flickr and looking at the different images. Some were beautiful and others were fun. I spent some time look at pictures of where I had been on holiday. Happy memories. I did not look to see if there were any images of the College, something I must do. Permission is required to take photographs of the interior of the library, so I am dependent on the College for those. I suspect the College would only agree to its offical photograhs being used for publicity purposes or offical College documentation like Web pages. Having said that Flickr is a mine of useful images which can be used to illustrate various things, as peoples blogs have shown. Images have always had an impact and tell a story. They add to promotional materials, web pages and guides. Flickr has potential, but limited in my circumstances. I was really pleased we were told about the creative commons. It is useful to know what can be downloaded without breach of copyright.
Thing 13 - I do wonder if Flickr is more a social tool, like looking at holiday photographs. Having said that I have really enjoyed looking at the pictures on the Cam23 blogs, such a wide range. I think the problem of copyright would also concern me and wonder how many people are aware of the restrictions and what they can or cannot download. You can spend a great deal of time on Flickr.
Thing 11
I have mixed feelings about this. It is a useful resource for those who cannot attend conferences and talks in person, although inevitably some of the message is lost. I can see for those libraries with distance learners, or users who only come into the library out of office hours, it provides a way of communicating information. However finding what you are looking for can be a problem, a hit and miss affair. On the up side you may find something you did not know existed. Quality is also a problem. Some articles are excellent whilst others leve much to be desired.
thing 13 - I think this may be more for personal development than library use. I think you could wast a great deal of time and effort for very little result.
Thing 12
I should admit at the beginning I did not open a Delicious account. With access to only one computer is did not seem worth it. I thought for those who have both personal and work computers or work in split site libraries or have more than one work station than Delicious might be a useful tool. I understand it is a good way to save links to things you are interested in. I did wonder about how time consuming Delicious would be in a library setting. If you have links, do you need to keep checking them on a regular basis. Would users find this a useful tool or do they have their own accounts? I think as far as libraries are concerned it may depend on the department and what the library offers.
Thing 13 - Social book marketing, again I think for personal and professional use rather than general library use. I cannot see the potential for Delicious in my library at the moment. I will be returning to the LibrarianGoddess book marks with great interest.
Thing 13
The Web is immense and finding information on it is a commplicated and never ending task. There is always something new and sometimes things do not stay long. My thoughts so far. I have used things I had heard of and not heard of. I have spent, as anticipated, a great deal of time and effort, with out following all the links and doing all the readings so kindly provided. I really need to go over it all again. I have found things of use to the library and things of no interest. I have learnt a great deal and my skills have improved. Using the tools is time consuming. I suspect if they are not kept up to date users will stop accessing them. I can see why libraries are using them to communicate with users, but I think the tools need to be chosen with care.