Friday, 16 July 2010

23 Things Cambridge - LibraryThing

I became very excited when I saw LibraryThing was one of the 23 Things.  I had heard of it and thought it had great potential for small, or not so small as I discovered, libraries or libraries without much funding.  I eventually managed to work my way through the instructions, I am not good with screens finding them very confusing and loosing things, and started to create my library.  I had selected 20 children's books with publication dates ranging from 1965 to the present, but mostly with ISBNs.  To my surprise the first book I had selected, published in 2010, came up, but with a different publisher.  I wondered if the data base selected USA publications first and if this might prove to be a handicap.  It happened again for several other books, which I manually imputed.  I did wonder if it would be simpler just to alter the details on the record, but as I did not have in hand the book I was cataloguing ....
I can still see the potential for both personal and library use.  I suspect if it had been around 15 years ago we may very well have used it for the temporary online catalogue.  I wonder how the UL would have liked importing it into Newton?  At home I think I will stay with my current arrangement as I don't have that many books and they are mostly by the same authors.
Now to find what I should do to save and post!


  1. Your comment about US editions is interesting, I hadn't thought of that.
    Glad that you found this Thing of interest. I just wanted to check whether you had covered the previous Things and would like to blog about them; or are you just confining your researches to a few of your favourite Things?

  2. Glad you were able to use LibraryThing for a children's collection of books. Have you found the other reviews helpful
